With vinyl siding, homeowners get a finish on their home that's attractive and economical, and is easy to maintain. However, it can be damaged.
Something impacts it? It cracks. Grill to close? It melts. Weed whacker comes into contact with it? It's cut. And when this happens, you'll need to repair your siding.
Minneapolis siding repair is not terribly difficult for DIY'ers. If you don't have an extra piece of siding laying about, there are many suppliers who can match your existing siding. Other tools you'll need are a claw hammer and zip tool.
Use the zip tool to unhook the bottom of the first undamaged panel that is above the damaged panel. By lifting the bottom of the good piece away from the wall, you will see the nails that hold the top of the siding that's damaged . Remove the nails and you will be able to slide the damaged siding down to remove it. Remove any other damaged pieces as well.
Cut the new panel so it can slide back and forth about 3/8 of an inch if there will be J-channels at each end. This allows for expansion without distortion. Insert one end of the new panel into the J-channel on one side, then bow the vinyl panel out away from the wall to insert the other end into the J-panel on the opposite end. Now, you can slide it up to lock it into the panel below.
Center the panel between the J-channels. Now insert the nails in the center of the nail slots at the top, every sixteen inches. Drive the nails in far enough so they do not interfere with the locking of the panel above, but loose enough to allow movement of the panel when it expands and contracts. When you have finished, you should be able to slide the vinyl panel back and forth.